Sunday, May 17, 2020

Passion The Genesis Of Genius Galileo Galilei Essay

Passion is the genesis of genius-Galileo Galilei. There are multiple aspects of passion that can help define the term. Terms that are either similar or different can also aid in defining passion. Passion is a prerequisite of genius and each and everything can correlate to this term. For someone to be a genius at a certain thing they have to have passion for it. When people view passion, each person will have their own thoughts and perspectives of the word and what it means to them. The value or importance of passion can have a different meaning varying from person to person. For example, passion for one person could mean a whole another thing compared to someone else. Passion can also be how someone determines importance for specific things. Case in point, the passion of reading could mean a great deal of importance for someone then not mean anything for another person. Passion is the love for something. The passion someone has for something is that certain thing or possibly things that someone would rather be doing at any time of the day. Humans go to great extent for passion, whether it the sacrifice of health, money, or time. Passion is also a term that can describe a person’s personality. This is because it determines what someone is willing to go through for something as simple as one word. The word passion is simple when someone views it without paying attention to all of it’s details that make the term up. But when someone looks into its details they realize the

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