Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Issue Paper (Global warming) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Issue Paper (Global warming) - Essay Example may be increments in the convergences of undesirable drinking water and air contaminations, changes in the precipitation designs and other outrageous occasions could prompt the spreading of certain infections. The impacts of an Earth-wide temperature boost might be summed up as follows, Warmth waves consistently lead to instances of stroke and lack of hydration in our bodies and they structure the majority of climate related passings. The hazard of warmth wave for the most part influences the youthful, old grown-ups and the helpless more than it does to the capable in the general public (Leal 30). The rate and the greatness of over the top occasions of precipitation are foreseen to increment in some particular areas as it occurs in the brutality of hurricanes. The extraordinary occasions may prompt wounds and some broaden passings of the friends and family in the network (Scherer 45). The most helpless perspective to this kind of atmosphere condition is likewise the youthful, the old and those individuals with some ailments along with the poor in the general public. There are additionally circuitous impacts of the condition to human life that may remember the decrease for the accessibility of new water, interferences of correspondence and transport systems. There may likewise be an expansion in stomach and intestinal ailments among the individuals influenced and instances of emotional wellness impacts like despondency and post-horrible scatters (Svensson 50). Changes that happen to the atmosphere may quicken the spread of certain ailments. The infection causing specialists that are known as pathogens are transmittable through water, food, creatures and creepy crawlies as well. Environmental change influences these transmitters in a single manner or the different in this way influencing a people life legitimately or in a roundabout way (Scherer 78). An expansion in temperature prompts expanded instances of microbes that are identified with food contamination since temperature quickens the development of microscopic organisms. The subsequent maladies may achieve gastrointestinal misery and in extraordinary cases passing. Substantial ruins and flooding may prompt floods from sewage lines and

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Fathers and Sons - The Quarrel - Chapter 10 Essay Example for Free

Fathers and Sons The Quarrel Chapter 10 Essay Section ten starts with Arkady and Bazarov examining Nikolai and his obsoleteness, Nikolai counseling his sibling Pavel about a similar issue follows this. These two occasions scarcely fit into a similar part as the squabble that happens straightaway. Bazarov and Pavel have not gotten along since they met and share various perspectives on fundamentally everything. Pavel hates Bazarovs agnostic demeanor and Bazarov, being a skeptic doesnt care much for Pavels noble nature either. They have both been consuming to have a contention, particularly Pavel who was simply trusting that a flash will begin a fire. At the point when the discussion floated to one of the neighboring landowners Pavel saw his opportunity and utilizations this as an impetus to begin the discussion about skepticism and their various perspectives. As the two men start dueling it is perceptible how both appear to be prepared supporters. Their inquiries are brief and their responses to the point and dont part with something over the top. Bazarov appears to not think less about what's going on though Pavel is by all accounts dribbling with excitement. Pavel goes about as a greater amount of a questioner than Bazarov and starts the contention by expressing his contradicting perspective of aristocratism which Bazarov ridicules so evidently. The two men have their pride now and in spite of the fact that Pavel appears forced very little strain is in the air. I don't have a similar assessment, said Pavel lighting the discussion. Bazarov then asks Pavel what can be demonstrated about the alleged prevalence of the privileged people. In spite of the fact that Pavel answers the test I feel Bazarov is attempting to change the subject when he decides to customize the contention and starts to discuss what the purpose of all of Pavels inconve nience is. He infers that Pavel doesnt accomplish anything in his life thus his highborn lifestyle has been a pointless one with no advancement. Despite the fact that this is obviously close to home to Pavel I dont feel as though Bazarov was intentionally attempting to assault Pavels life and scorn it. Obviously Pavel is outraged and answers, losing a portion of his poise. He offers another individual expression towards Bazarov saying that solitary oblivious or blockheads would live without the principals that nobles lecture; he is legitimately inferring that Bazarov is uninformed and inept. This contention I feel was to a greater degree an individual explanation made towards Bazarov instead of a decent contention to banter over, anyway Bazarov holds his poise and moves to another subject, naming a couple of words utilized in privileged and naming them as absolute rubbish. Now I think Bazarov is winning the contention, as Pavel appears to be befuddled and incidentally overpowered by Bazarovs questions. However, Pavel does the proper thing next by asking Bazarov what he feels ought to be done about the circumstance, yet again Pavel includes another individual articulation toward the finish of his contention saying that if Bazarovs sees were placed into impact the Russian individuals will wind up past the pale of humankind, outside human laws. Next a greater amount of Pavels nobility is taken as they portray to him precisely what a skeptic does and doesn't do. Turgenev unmistakably expresses that Pavel is overpowered by the meaning of agnosticism and what plans they have for Russia. In his view it is as though Pavel belittled their obliviousness. Bazarov says that at present time the most helpful thing that should be possible by the Russian individuals is to deny. To deny authority, principals, workmanship, everything. I neglect to see what amount can be picked up by this, Bazarovs hypothesis is that the sum total of what that has been fabricated must be obliterated so as to develop another life which the individuals need. Despite the fact that I feel Bazarov is running a superior contention I dont concur with his way of thinking and feel that as opposed to denying everything an endeavor can be made at simply attempting to change what has been worked as opposed to crushing it and remaking it without any preparation. Pavel keeps on losing his temper and his contentions deteriorate as he loses his pride and starts acting virtuous. To answer to Bazarov and Arkadys portrayal of the Russian individuals he says No, no! I cannot accept that you youngsters truly know the Russian individuals, that you speak to their necessities and desires! No, the Russian individuals are not what you envision them to be. They hold convention consecrated, they are a man centric individuals, they can't live without confidence . . . This sentence with its plenitude of nos sounds virtuous and its vast majority appears as though Pavel is attempting to let himself know as opposed to the others that what they state isn't accurate. Bazarov still contains full poise and as adultly as conceivable consents to ease Pavel, however he despite everything will not concede in the event that he isn't right. At that point he expresses that in spite of the fact that Pavel might be correct it despite everything demonstrates nothing. His next contention is essential, yet successful, Pavel says that all things considered Bazarov should get going against his own kin and Bazarov answers with a similarity that infers that as indicated by Pavel if most of the individuals accomplish something completely dumb he should do as such also. Pavel overlooks the last contention made by Bazarov and rather decides to fight back by assaulting Bazarov by saying he isn't a piece of the Russian individuals after he restricts them from numerous points of view. Bazarov handles this contention just by alluding to the most Russian individuals he knows, the workers, who know about the past laborers who have risen and happen to higher status now. Bazarov, as we have seen before in the book, converses with the workers and doesnt mind responding to their inquiries and conversing with them. In spite of the fact that he may look down on them and not have a favorable opinion of them he despite everything treats them like individuals thus they will clearly bolster him on this one so Pavel made awful move by testing how Russian Bazarov is as he has more to appear for it than Pavel. In any case, again I do feel that contrasting Pavel with himself was superfluous and simply made the contention progressively close to home once more. There is a brief break in the part as Nikolai stands up and attempts to chill the two off asking them not to make this individual. He is somewhat late. With Nikolais obstruction Pavel gets an opportunity to pull it together and recover a portion of the nobility he had previously. They begin to talk about skepticism indeed with a cooler and less tense air. Bazarov gives another definition for agnosticism, this time concentrating more on their activities as a gathering. They at that point start to discuss the quality of the skeptics, which Pavel is demonstrated to have thought little of. I concur with Bazarovs see here that a huge number isn't required, yet rather a more grounded confidence or power in what they are doing as reality to be more grounded then a huge number. Albeit somewhat immaterial Bazarovs similarity to a solitary light torching the entire of Moscow, I feel was a solid contention. Pavel appears to lose his pride alongside the contention as he again begins acting anxious and rankled. Pavel then loses all pride when he begins to be mocking saying Bravo, bravo! also, attempting to make what Bazarov is stating absurd by professing to recognize it. His loss of poise is clarified with Bazarovs articulation You have left from your laudable feeling of individual nobility and with this Bazarov decides to close the contention, yet not without his end sentence in which he solicits Pavel to think from establishments where the gentry has had a result of no issues. Pavel endeavors to give some examples yet is refuted by Bazarov for his endeavors. Bazarov indeed asks Pavel to take as much time as necessary and consider it; with this he disappears and the conversation reaches a conclusion. Bazarov is obviously a ground-breaking advocate who can keep up his pride in any event, when he is censured and albeit numerous individuals contradict his perspectives he has figured out how to keep his perspectives alive. Pavel, albeit a decent endeavor would make a more fragile supporter, his shortcomings lie in his brisk temper. Keeping up your cool is significant and Bazarov demonstrated that, he left the contention with all his pride and my vote as the victor while Pavel was left tongue-tied and named as the failure.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Tourism’s Potential to Fly South Africa, Clipped by Greed Free Essays

Upon appearance in the St Lucia-Hluhluwe zone (a prime the travel industry locale) for inquire about, I was sure that the magnificence of the zone must be imparted to family. I fired mapping up the chance of a future family trip once more into this zone; the convenience, the taking care of plans, and different exercises offered by the visitor locale. Simply the fundamentals meant startling figures, too huge for my average workers pocket †and positively a fortune no other common laborers and conventional South African. We will compose a custom paper test on Tourism’s Potential to Fly South Africa, Clipped by Greed or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now I was disheartened to understand that travel industry (as an elusive utilization) will for quite a while stay an extravagance, for which, the normal man and lady is intentionally estimated out (seems like a scheme? ) †for avarice and I don't know what else. Initially, are the over the top costs called for by the administrators in the visitor area truly called for? Is this the most ideal approach to run and develop the travel industry? All the discussion about the travel industry being a monetary segment that could lead rustic turn of events and lessen neediness in under-favored networks will stay only that †a discussion, until such when the valuing issue is settled. The way things are, South Africa’s the travel industry has everything incorrectly, choking out its own potential for development through the insatiability of a couple of administrators. The estimating systems of the prime the travel industry area are clearly implied for the global vacationer originating from nations that appreciate a higher money conversion scale. The rationale is to make an executioner out of these guests. At the appointed time, nearby the travel industry is exceptionally repressed and disheartened. It is likewise likely that the lower workers from the focused on nations are additionally denied section into these significant expense zones. By so doing, the traveler region makes a gag on its capability to develop. It resembles taking away a bird’s freedom for it to fly quicker. It is a pity that this sort of rationale holds the visitor business prisoner to the impulses of a couple profiteering people and organizations. There is power in numbers. The thousands if not a huge number of potential visitors who won't visit would ascertain to substantially more benefit, more occupations made, and even start the development, vertically and on a level plane of different segments of the economies of the traveler locale. Right now, because of controlled interest †the potential for gigantic interest that requires neighborhood industrialization and a development blast just as extending the administration business is constrained. There are not many guests, and all the more along these lines, the numbers vary occasionally. All discussions about building up a culture of visiting among nearby individuals will remain however an unrealistic fantasy if the demeanor of administrators doesn't change. One administrator attempted to disclose the rationale to me; â€Å"lets face it, it is smarter to manage littler gatherings of individuals who pay great cash and act in an edified way than gatherings of low paying, over-energized packs who wind up battling and breaking property. As supremacist as it might sound, my involvement in nearby dark guests †particularly those coming in bunches have been unpleasant. At the point when they go †a great deal of things must be readied. † I identify yet clearly I am not persuaded, as this conduct may be a method for opposition. Most likely it is a lot to expect that the administrators will control themselves and change †the intercession of applicable specialists is in this manner called for. The Consumer Council may need to explore these issues. Other than the denied access to the visitor region, the poor laborers and brokers attempting to win a living in these territories experience the ill effects of these constantly significant expenses. It is really a scourge †that ought to be helped, in any case these crazy evaluating systems hold the economy at recover. Any thing from a tooth pick, to whatever is sold gets tainted with significant expenses when it enters this zone. Destitute individuals who win next to no to shield the overall revenues of administrators need to experience the ill effects of this carcinogenic valuing system. The option for the destitute individuals attempting get by in this area is to take taxi rides to close towns, for example, Mtubatuba and Richards Bay, themselves not the least expensive around. More cash and time is spent on making a trip to purchase what one could purchase in their own lawn. These individuals will never taste the cooking styles that annoy their nose and the offspring of these individuals will just however look at the offspring of the advantaged riding in cycle tracks, getting a charge out of pontoon rides, etc. They are blessed to receive the air, sound and ecological contamination from these exercises. There isn't have to limit myself from bringing up that the riding kids are white, and those siphoning in the grimy residue are dark children. It is a pity that the Black Economic Empowerment train is escaping many dark individuals in the networks in these regions. Dark people’s association is still in the very edges of the business, even the high sounding Protected Areas Act and Biodiversity Act, just as the Integrated Management Plan as of late proclaimed to adjust preservation and destitution decrease, will stay an unrealistic fantasy if dark networks are not placed in the standard. The alleged network association in the segment is in the zones of social or ethnic the travel industry, just as trekking. Extremely, the cash in the travel industry business isn't in performing Zulu moving and narrating. Where the cash is in the house or convenience arrangement, safari the travel industry, natural life the travel industry, of this area, I didn't perceive any persuading network or individual dark entrepreneur’s inclusion. The most effective method to refer to Tourism’s Potential to Fly South Africa, Clipped by Greed, Papers

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Five Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing a College Savings Strategy

College can be one of the largest expenses a family will ever face. There are a number of different options available to help you reach your goal, and here are a few things to consider before choosing the one thatï ¿ ½s right for you. 1. What are the accountï ¿ ½s limitations? Income Depending on your income, you may not be eligible to invest with certain savings vehicles. Coverdell ESAs, for example, are only available to individuals with a gross adjusted annual income (AGI) of less than $110,000 ($220,000 if filing jointly). Roth IRAs are another popular way to build a college fund but are completely prohibited to those with an AGI greater than $129,000 ($191,000 if filing jointly). The best bet for high earning families is a 529 college savings account, which has no income limits. Contributions Even if you meet the income limit of an IRA, there is a cap on the amount you can save. In 2014 the maximum annual contribution amount is $5,500 ($6,500 if you are 50 or older). Whatï ¿ ½s more, this amount is even less if your AGI is between $181,000 and $191,000. 529 plans typically do not have an annual contribution limit, but there may be a lifetime contribution limit. These limits range from around $235,000 to $400,000. If think your child might attend a private college or university, itï ¿ ½s a good idea to shop around for a plan with a higher limit. According to the College Board, in 18 years the total cost of attending a private college is expected to reach a whopping $365,000 (assuming a college cost inflation of 4.0%. Compare 529 plan features here. 2. Will I be eligible for tax benefits? Federal You should have no trouble finding a college savings strategy that offers federal tax benefits. As long as they are spent on qualified educational expenses, distributions from 529 plans, Coverdell ESAs and certain types of U.S. Savings Bonds will be will be federally tax-free. While distributions taken from a Roth IRA before 59 1/2 are still taxable, the additional 10% penalty on early withdrawals is waived if the money is spent toward qualified higher education expenses. State Currently, 529 plans are the only savings vehicles that offer up-front state tax deductions. When selecting your plan, keep in mind that not all states offer an incentive and most that do have residency requirements. The types of incentives vary by plan, but most states offer a deduction or credit for 529 contributions. Compare tax incentives offered by different states here. 3. Do I absolutely need to use the funds toward college? This is an important question since in most cases you will lose tax benefits or incur a penalty tax if you need to spend the money on something other than college. If you're not fairly certain the beneficiary will attend college, and no other family members will need the money for college, UGMA/UTMA accounts and Roth IRAs might be worth another look since there are no restrictions on how you spend the distributions. With a 529 account, you will be charged a 10% penalty tax on the earnings portion of your fund that are not spent on qualified educational expenses. There are some exceptions to this rule, including the case of scholarships, U.S. military school attendance, disability or death. 4. How much am I willing to pay in fees? No matter which investment product you choose for your college fund, you will likely incur some type of fees. Accounts that invest in mutual funds will be charged an expense ratio based on the underlying investments and some providers will also charge a monthly account maintenance fee just for having the account. You may also have to pay sales charges, commissions or advisory fees depending on the type of account you choose and how it is purchased. If youï ¿ ½re looking for a 529 plan with the lowest fees, opening the account directly through the plan manager will usually be your best bet. Financial advisors often charge an upfront commission anywhere between 1%-5.75% of the amount invested. Should you use a direct-purchase or advisor-sold 529 plan? 5. What is my time horizon and risk tolerance? Maybe you just had your first baby and have a full 18 years to save for college. Or perhaps your child is just entering high school and you need to save as much as possible in a few years. The amount of time you have left to save will determine which investments will work best for you. The shorter your investment time horizon, the less risky your investments should be. If you have young children, consider an age-based 529 education savings plan. This type of plan automatically allocates funds in the account based on the age of the beneficiary. As the child grows, the plan becomes less risky as equity (stock-market based) investments are reduced. Find out more about age-based 529 accounts here. Let us know if we missed anything! What were the most important factors in choosing your college savings strategy? 2014-04-08 College can be one of the largest expenses a family will ever face. There are a number of different options available to help you reach your goal, and here are a few things to consider before choosing the one thatï ¿ ½s right for you. 1. What are the accountï ¿ ½s limitations? Income Depending on your income, you may not be eligible to invest with certain savings vehicles. Coverdell ESAs, for example, are only available to individuals with a gross adjusted annual income (AGI) of less than $110,000 ($220,000 if filing jointly). Roth IRAs are another popular way to build a college fund but are completely prohibited to those with an AGI greater than $129,000 ($191,000 if filing jointly). The best bet for high earning families is a 529 college savings account, which has no income limits. Contributions Even if you meet the income limit of an IRA, there is a cap on the amount you can save. In 2014 the maximum annual contribution amount is $5,500 ($6,500 if you are 50 or older). Whatï ¿ ½s more, this amount is even less if your AGI is between $181,000 and $191,000. 529 plans typically do not have an annual contribution limit, but there may be a lifetime contribution limit. These limits range from around $235,000 to $400,000. If think your child might attend a private college or university, itï ¿ ½s a good idea to shop around for a plan with a higher limit. According to the College Board, in 18 years the total cost of attending a private college is expected to reach a whopping $365,000 (assuming a college cost inflation of 4.0%. Compare 529 plan features here. 2. Will I be eligible for tax benefits? Federal You should have no trouble finding a college savings strategy that offers federal tax benefits. As long as they are spent on qualified educational expenses, distributions from 529 plans, Coverdell ESAs and certain types of U.S. Savings Bonds will be will be federally tax-free. While distributions taken from a Roth IRA before 59 1/2 are still taxable, the additional 10% penalty on early withdrawals is waived if the money is spent toward qualified higher education expenses. State Currently, 529 plans are the only savings vehicles that offer up-front state tax deductions. When selecting your plan, keep in mind that not all states offer an incentive and most that do have residency requirements. The types of incentives vary by plan, but most states offer a deduction or credit for 529 contributions. Compare tax incentives offered by different states here. 3. Do I absolutely need to use the funds toward college? This is an important question since in most cases you will lose tax benefits or incur a penalty tax if you need to spend the money on something other than college. If you're not fairly certain the beneficiary will attend college, and no other family members will need the money for college, UGMA/UTMA accounts and Roth IRAs might be worth another look since there are no restrictions on how you spend the distributions. With a 529 account, you will be charged a 10% penalty tax on the earnings portion of your fund that are not spent on qualified educational expenses. There are some exceptions to this rule, including the case of scholarships, U.S. military school attendance, disability or death. 4. How much am I willing to pay in fees? No matter which investment product you choose for your college fund, you will likely incur some type of fees. Accounts that invest in mutual funds will be charged an expense ratio based on the underlying investments and some providers will also charge a monthly account maintenance fee just for having the account. You may also have to pay sales charges, commissions or advisory fees depending on the type of account you choose and how it is purchased. If youï ¿ ½re looking for a 529 plan with the lowest fees, opening the account directly through the plan manager will usually be your best bet. Financial advisors often charge an upfront commission anywhere between 1%-5.75% of the amount invested. Should you use a direct-purchase or advisor-sold 529 plan? 5. What is my time horizon and risk tolerance? Maybe you just had your first baby and have a full 18 years to save for college. Or perhaps your child is just entering high school and you need to save as much as possible in a few years. The amount of time you have left to save will determine which investments will work best for you. The shorter your investment time horizon, the less risky your investments should be. If you have young children, consider an age-based 529 education savings plan. This type of plan automatically allocates funds in the account based on the age of the beneficiary. As the child grows, the plan becomes less risky as equity (stock-market based) investments are reduced. Find out more about age-based 529 accounts here. Let us know if we missed anything! What were the most important factors in choosing your college savings strategy? 2014-04-08

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Passion The Genesis Of Genius Galileo Galilei Essay

Passion is the genesis of genius-Galileo Galilei. There are multiple aspects of passion that can help define the term. Terms that are either similar or different can also aid in defining passion. Passion is a prerequisite of genius and each and everything can correlate to this term. For someone to be a genius at a certain thing they have to have passion for it. When people view passion, each person will have their own thoughts and perspectives of the word and what it means to them. The value or importance of passion can have a different meaning varying from person to person. For example, passion for one person could mean a whole another thing compared to someone else. Passion can also be how someone determines importance for specific things. Case in point, the passion of reading could mean a great deal of importance for someone then not mean anything for another person. Passion is the love for something. The passion someone has for something is that certain thing or possibly things that someone would rather be doing at any time of the day. Humans go to great extent for passion, whether it the sacrifice of health, money, or time. Passion is also a term that can describe a person’s personality. This is because it determines what someone is willing to go through for something as simple as one word. The word passion is simple when someone views it without paying attention to all of it’s details that make the term up. But when someone looks into its details they realize the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Motivates Me For College - 988 Words

What motivates me to go to college,to put hard work in,day after day, and to achieve my goals in higher education is my parents and myself. Since I started elementary school my parents have always motivated me to go to college. I was always a good student, but, when I had entered seventh grade, it all changed. I really did not care about school, i have been just whatever about school period. Then it hit me again in my junior year of high school. Freshman and sophomore I was not really interested in school and didn t think I was going to college. My parents had a talk with me and that talk changed me. They were just asking me what am I going to do with my life if I didn t go on with school and all this other stuff that made me think really hard. I didn t want to make my parents think that their son was a failure, they raised a failure. I changed my ways and started doing better in school and now I am currently attending Cal State University of Los Angeles. Now they are more proud than ever, me being the first one in my family to attend a university. My parents will always be my biggest motivators. One reason why my parents will always be my biggest motivators is because they know what s right from wrong and they know life. They tell me and always pushed me to do my best no matter what. They told me I m going to have a lot of distraction and a lot of things I do not want to go through but, its going to happen, thats just life. In the beginning of Elementary school, IShow MoreRelatedWhat Motivates Me Most For Pursue A College Degree890 Words   |  4 PagesWhat motivates me most to pursue a college degree is opening new doors for career options and inspiring my daughter through my own actions to pursue lifelong learning. I have waited until this point in my life to take this first step for many reasons. I feel that I had a lot of fear of failure that kept me from pursuing this higher learning. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Frequent Innovation in Business Model

Question: Prepare a detailed report that examines the underlying reasons for the issue (the why?), how best to address the issue (the how?) and provide succinct recommendations for the business in moving forward. Answer: Introduction: Frequent innovation in business model is influencing the field of employment in business. The very foundation of employment is strengthening just because there has been continual storm of change in market in a short span of time. Researchers are apprehending that if this change precedes future market will feature job prospects that are nonexistent right now. According to Vlter et al.,2013, the roles in the workplace that are evident now will become obsolete in few years for growing influence of technology. Engineering and mathematical based fields will confront wave of demand whereas non-technical fields may need enhancing and restructuring of their roles in order to survive extinction (Garton McCulloch, 2012). Transformation in business model has largely affected the employment structure of the market and soon some jobs will lose its existence. Unemployment will create upheaval in the society. RF System PTY is a company that has recently exempted employees from their duties as job responsibilities is changing faster than one can imagine. In order to circumvent from such situations the organization has to implement some actions in order to adapt to the change that is affecting the market. What change is taking place? Demand for technical professionals and business analyst is increasing but employment opportunities for non-technical support are facing constriction. Technology revolution has already started and the machinery forces are substituting human beings. Why the change is taking place: Apparently, technology has a relevant chance of substituting human workforce as the business model is remolding quite often. Technology has become a culture that everyone wants to embrace but the combination of socio emotional and intellectual skills that human being posses is unparallel. This report is to propose a business model that will be effective for the organization and will assist RF System PTY in adapting to the change that is affecting the world. 2. Defining and framing the Issue: An organization is only successful when the leadership and the management effectively participate in problem solving and motivating the employees so that they can achieve the objective and goals (Poisson-Choisne Bertran, 2015). The management of an organization works under certain functions that help them to facilitate in a productive way. According to Fayol, the managerial function needs to supervise the subordinates and guide them to work in unified manner to achieve the designated goals. Controlling and Directing are the two important methodologies that can change the structure of an organization. According to the researchers, controlling is a measure that scales the performance of an individual in an organization (Miller, McMillan Ross, 2013). In the world of business, controlling provides the perspective to a manager as to how well the organization is performing (Messmer, et al.,2015). With the help of balance sheets, data collection report and sales report managers derives the result as to what extent their organization has been successful in meeting the standards that they had set. Employees receive appraisal based on their performance. Leading or directing function involves leading the employee towards accomplishing the organizational goal. It justifies the role of an organization head. Past records has sited that a leader who scarcely communicates with their employee has failed to understand the need of the organization and has failed to meet the organizational goals (Finch, et al.,2015). Behavioral science has helped in understanding the attributes and personality that a human being possesses and how it affects management functions. A management that supports their employees assists them in enhancing their skills by arranging training sessions for them. Researchers have justified that this management procedure has been very effective and has increased productivity of the firm that have adhered to it (Chen Wang, 2015). In contingency theory, a leadership is dependent on the changes that are taking place in an environment, scrutinizes the capabilities and demeanor of the followers, and takes action depending on that (Strau Zecher, 2013). At times, a leadership who can show his capacity in a place cannot display his skills in a different situation, as he is not a leader who performs well under contingency. This theory guides an individual to modify his thought process according to the change of the situation (Stock, et al.,2013). The theory is appropriate for the situation under condition because an organization is thoroughly dependent on its leadership. With changing times, leadership should also make some changes in his ways in order to sustain the situation by controlling the variables that may affect the environment of the organization adversely. 3. Addressing the Situation: Due to repeated changes in business model, RF System PTY is confronting issues regarding employment. Heavy influence of technology has limited the need of basic employee and increased the need of technical professionals. It is a high tech based company as result skillful workers are getting top priority. Researchers are apprehensive to the fact that by 2020, there will be mass changes in job opportunities. They are also anxious that employment opportunities in the field of manufacturing and production will fall while there will be high demand for data analyst and sales representative. To sustain this professional turmoil, education system also has to sway from their adhered track of instilling knowledge(Shijun, 2014). Government needs to restructure the educational format to enhance the skills of future generation. For corporate bodies also implementation of control is highly necessary; the managers need to analyze the market to collect data so that they can measure the performance level of RF System PTY in the market and sum up ideas to ameliorate their present sate. Leadership should provide guidance and assure the employee that the necessary modifications that the organization is embracing will not going to affect their job (Meng, 2015). For restructure the current state of organization, leadership should offer training to the employee so that they can reform their skills and perform better in future (Turner, 2014). Data and information collection can assist the manger in measuring the current position of the company in market. Controlling the environment of the workplace according to the market situation can help the organization adopt itself to the factors. Contingency theory provokes the leadership to acknowledge the ways of transforming and sustain the changes without disturbing the organizational balance. According to Griffin 2013, Flexibility is the most necessary approach that will bring equilibrium in workplace environment. According to the contingency theory, leadership should accurately elucidate the goals that the organization wants to achieve and to accomplish that what changes are necessary. RF System PTY is an engineering based firm; engineering and technical implementation is prominent in this organization. Leadership need to give strict instruction to the human resources manager in what are the criteria that candidate should comprise to deserve the proposed position in that organization (McCarthy,et al.,2013). Relying on that research the manger has to take measures that will generate productivity. Leadership needs to react to according to the demand of the situation. Style of leading has impact on the organizational struc ture that is why guidance and controlling the situation adroitly is necessary in this case. Contingency theory refers that there is no principle way of leading, leadership attributes has to handle changes and remold the organization according to it (Shafritz, et al.,2015). Controlling and directing functions are interrelated, that is why a leader and a manager of an organization should work reasonably. In order to overcome the situation they need to plan solutions to strengthen their rate of adaptability and sustainability. This will assist the human resources management of RF System PTY to designate candidate according to their skills. HR of an organization plays a very important part in contingency theory because they assist the organization in seeking candidates who are suitable for their role in the company (Van de Ven, et al.,2013). Competitiveness in market is putting pressure on the organizations to declare decisions to dismiss employees, as they are no longer appropriate for the metamorphosed environment of the company. Unemployment is not what RF System PTY support s. According to Grtsch, et al., 2013, Contingency Theory is the approach that will fortify the base of the company and aid the company by supplying the substantiality that the company needs for future market. Conclusion: The structure of the report is in order to raise conscience about the factors that are affecting the organizational behavior of RF System PTY and has supplemented it with relatable theory that will prepare it for future sustainability. It is evident that business models will be revitalized every now and then but that should not hamper the lives of the employees who are working for the organization. In specific categories, technology will replace human being but re skilling of employees can help in employee retention. Recommendations: Firstly, RF System PTY has to retain the non-technical employees by restructuring the employees, as it will help them to obtain organizational goal more effectively. The manager of the RF system needs to keep track of market and collect information and data to help the organization in training procedure of the employee. The target should be clear, so that the manager and the leadership can make the goal of employee retention possible. Contingency theory is a realistic approach that will help the organization in creating a balance by training the employees so that they can maneuver technology. 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