Sunday, December 29, 2019

Concerning His Poems, Alfred Lord Tennyson’S Work Relies

Concerning his poems, Alfred Lord Tennyson’s work relies on an extensive thematic scheme. In Tennyson’s poem, â€Å"The Charge of the Light Brigade†, a number of themes are present including heroism, honor, patriotism, and loyalty. Put together, Tennyson tells the story of a cavalry brigade facing their destiny head on. Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem â€Å"The Charge of the Light Brigade† tells the story of a cavalry battle that took place during the Crimean War. The poem begins by throwing the audience directly into the heat of battle. Midway through the first stanza, Tennyson states that â€Å"Forward, the Light Brigade! Charge for the guns! [H]e said. Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred† (lines 5-8). In the second stanza, the phrase â€Å"Someone†¦show more content†¦To be a patriot means to show extreme support for ones cause or ideas. In stanzas two and three, Tennyson makes it clear that the men are patriots by stating that â€Å"Theirs not to reason why, [t]heirs but to do and die. Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred†¦Stormed at with shot and shell, [b]oldly they rode and well, [i]nto the jaws of Death, [i]nto the mouth of hell [r]ode the six hundred† (Tennyson 13-15, 22-26). The fact that the soldiers marched onto the battlefield wi thout a second thought â€Å"†¦knowing all the while that they will pay with their lives for their heroism† (Mazzeno) shows a great deal of patriotism. Even though the men knew they were charging into their almost certain death, they kept marching. They believed their cause was more important than their own lives. Additionally, the next theme present is loyalty. Upon receiving the order to attack it can be assumed that the soldiers knew they were marching towards their deaths. Stephanie Markovits wrote and articles that states that â€Å"†¦seven hundred British cavalry proceed at a rapid pace, and in perfect order, to certain destruction† (Markovits 12). With this in mind one can only imagine the thoughts running through these men’s heads. It can be inferred that at least one of the six hundred thought about turning and running. Or one that thought about disobeying orders. But not a one did such a thing. The cavalry continued to march in perfect unison to meet their destiny face

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The use of alienation in The Metamorphosis - 875 Words

Honors Topics in Lit 26 September 2013 Alienation of Gregor Franz Kafka’s use of social commentary in the novella The Metamorphosis illuminates destructive effects of alienation through Gregor’s life before and after his transformation into a monstrous vermin and the reactions of his family members on his new body. When Gregor’s body, once a normal humanly figure, begins to change, he finds no purpose to his being as he is incapable of moving out of bed for work. In addition to his body transformation, Gregor also begins to lose his sense of humanity in result of his weakening relationships between his family members. Even before the metamorphosis occurs, Kafka shows Gregor’s feeling of being distanced from his family when he†¦show more content†¦Even though Gregor does not wish to be a salesman, his family needs him for their survival. He demonstrates his frustration when he says, â€Å"if I didn’t hold back for my parents’ sake, I would have quit long ago, I would h ave marched up to the boss and spoken my piece from the bottom of my heart† (Kafka 4). Kafka displays the artificial relationship held between Gregor and his family because if they did not accept him into their family, they would not have the resources to provide for themselves. The damaging effects of alienation are emphasized in the novella The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka’s display of weakening relationships in Gregor’s family and in Gregor’s loss of humanity. The full body transformation that Gregor goes through creates a feeling of confinement as he begins to adapt to his new style of life as an insect. Furthermore, Kafka shows the distancing between Gregor and his family and how they close him out from their conversations and go on living without thinking too much about his death and all that he has done for the family. Kafka’s emphasis on Gregor’s seclusion from his family and society expresses how essential bonds and relations hips with family and friends are to an individual’sShow MoreRelatedGregor Samsas Metamorphosis in The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka1271 Words   |  6 Pagesalone and depressed. In the novel The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, Kafka describes the theme of alienation and its negative effect on people and their relationships with the people around them. This theme can be shown through Gregor Samsa, the main character in The Metamorphosis. After Gregor’s metamorphosis, or transformation, he is turned from a human being into a giant bug which makes him more and more distant from the people in his life. The alienation that Gregor experiences results in hisRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka1380 Words   |  6 PagesEssay: â€Å"I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself†: A Psychoanalysis reading of â€Å"The Metamorphosis† by Kafka The Metamorphosis is known to be one of Franz Kafka’s best works of literature. It demonstrates the interconnection between his personal life and the protagonist, Gregor Samsa, of â€Å"The Metamorphosis.† Franz Kafka was born in 1883 and grew up in a financially stable Jewish family in Prague. He was the only son left after the death of hisRead MoreThe Dehumanizing Effect of Alienation and the Restoration of Self Identity in Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis788 Words   |  3 PagesIn the novella â€Å"The Metamorphosis†, Franz Kafka focuses on the topic of alienation and considers its underlying effect on self identity. The alienation Kafka promotes is propagated towards the main character Gregor Samsa, who inevitably transforms into a giant cockroach. The alienation by family relations affects him to the extent that he prioritizes his extensive need to be the family’s provider before his own well-being. This overwhelming need to provide inevitably diminishes Gregor’s ability toRead MoreTheme Of The Metamorphosis1494 Words   |  6 PagesThe Metamorphosis The Metamorphosis by Kafka is a story about a young man, Gregor, has metamorphosed into an insect much to his dismay and that of his family. Not knowing exactly how to respond to the changes, Gregor’s family fails to relate with Gregor’s new state which makes it very difficult for them and also for Gregor. This is due to the fact that Gregor is the breadwinner of the family as the rest of the family members are not doing so well. Gregor bears all the financial responsibilities ofRead MoreIsolation and Alienation in the Metamorphosis1524 Words   |  7 PagesLanguage A: Literature The Written Assignment Alienation and Isolation in The Metamorphosis May 2013 Word Count: 1480 The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a reflection on how alienation and isolation begin and develop in a society by employing the characters in his novella as a representation of society as a whole. Using Gregor’s manager to demonstrate the initiation of isolation and alienation of a person, Gregor as the person being isolated and the inhabitants of the Samsa household as the otherRead MoreTheme Of Modernity In The Metamorphosis1488 Words   |  6 PagesThe Metamorphosis by Kafka is a story about a young man, Gregor, has metamorphosed into an insect much to his dismay and that of his family. Not knowing exactly how to respond to the changes, Gregor’s family fails to relate with Gregor’s new state which makes it very difficult for them and also for Gregor. This is due to the fact that Gregor is the breadwinner of family as the rest of the family members are not doing so well. Gregor bears all the financial responsibilities of the family includingRead MoreThe Meta morphosis Isolation Essay1491 Words   |  6 Pageslife caused him to portray characters in his writing as outcasts as a result. The basis of Kafka’s novel The Metamorphosis is the effects of isolation on man and it’s impact on life. The use of modernism in Kafka’s writing was a reflection of the characteristic shift from the beauty and innocence of romanticism to the cold harsh reality of life after World War I. Kafka’s lifelong alienation intersects with his work where he draws on his personal experiences to create a protagonist that draws on Kafka’sRead MoreThe Metemorphosis Essay1402 Words   |  6 PagesThe Metamorphosis The Metamorphosis is a novel written by Kafka Franz and published in 1915. The story is about a travelling sales man by the name Samsa Gregor who wakes up to find himself transformed into an insect. The main characters include Gregor Samsa, Grete Samsa, Mr. Samsa, Mrs. Samsa and Samsa. The theme of change is conspicuous on the novel when Gregor Samsa wakes up to find himself transformed into an insect. The theme of economic effects on human relationships is also evident when weRead MoreMetamorphosis and Heart of Darkness836 Words   |  4 Pagesman in his own bubble and left him to suffer, and to die if he does not measure up to the prevailing social standings. The theme alienation from a small society is depicted through setting by both authors Conrad and Kafka in Metamorphosis and Heart of Darkness. This depiction demonstrates how this isolation has a negative impact on man. As illustrated in Metamorphosis, Kafka demonstrates the isolation of Gregor, the protagonist through the medium of his room. The â€Å"room† symbolizes how Gregor lacksRead MoreThe Existential Isolation And Biopsychological Change1519 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Existential Isolation and Biopsychological Change in The Metamorphosis and â€Å"Letter to my Father† by Franz Kafka and Unwelcome Visitors† by Tessa Farmer This literary and art analysis will define the correlation between the writings of Kafka and the installation art of Tessa Farmer’s in relation to the themes of existential isolation and biopsychological change. Gregor’s anxiety in The Metamorphosis is partially due to the alienation of society, which cases an existential period of isolation in

Friday, December 13, 2019

Teacher-Student Relationships Free Essays

Topic: â€Å"Teacher-Student Relationships and Academic and Behavioral Levels† Introduction The importance of teacher-student relationships will forever be an increasing factor in students’ academic achievements and behaviors. The general topic for this research is how teacher-student relationships affect students’ academic achievements develop or destroy their behavioral skills. This topic brings about a lot of conflicts that leads to many unanswered questions such as ‘What happens to the teacher-student relationships after the early school years? Due to the fact that students go through their most important developmental changes during their middle school years. We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher-Student Relationships or any similar topic only for you Order Now The goal of this study is to advance our under- standing of the longitudinal connections between teacher–child relationships and children’s academic and behavioral development across elementary schools. The criteria used in analyzing and comparing literature was conducting a study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) using a cooperative agreement that used the scientific collaboration between grantees and NICHD staff. The sequence of this review is set up in a very articulate and organized arrangement. The scope was very limited was seen in this review by the NICHD on Teacher-Student Relationships and Academic and Behavioral Levels. In this study, the keywords are evident in the topic it self, such as: academic achievement which is the level of actual accomplishment or proficiency one has achieved in an academic areas, as opposed to one’s potential. Behavioral Problem is a behavior that is annoying or destructive. Maternal Characteristics are having the qualities of, or befitting a mother. The most important keyword and definition in this study is teacher-student relationship, which is the basic relationship with teachers and the students that they instruct. In this research the teacher-student relationships are based on being positive and impacting the students’ lives in academically and behavioral ways. Main Points In today’s educational world, there is great recognition of the motivation that is present due to the active and positive teacher-student relationships being formed in the schools. In this study, at some point in student’s early school years, teachers are seen as ‘part-time caregivers’ to the students. The bio ecological model and developmental systems theory proposed a conceptual model to advance our understanding of the nature of relationships between teachers and children, and their contribution to children’s development. This model says that good relationships with teachers are defined by a combination of high levels of closeness and low levels of conflict. Closeness in teacher–student relationships is characterized by warmth, positive affects, and open communication. But on the flip side, there is conflict that comes with negativity, hostility, and difficulty in man- aging children’s behavior. There has been arguments that high-quality teacher–child relationships can promote students’ academic and behavioral development by providing an environment of sup- port and emotional security in which children feel confident and supported. Research conducted in preschool and the first years of elementary school has examined the association between the quality of teacher–child relation- ships and children’s development showing modest links between relationship quality and contemporaneous, and on occasion, subsequent development of academic skills. This evidence, however, is limited by its longitudinal scope. There are key transformations in the role of teachers and classroom structure between preschool and the elementary years. Beginning in first grade, teachers become increasingly focused on their role as instructors and less focused on providing warmth and nurturance for children. Additionally, classrooms are structured differently, as children often change teachers for different subjects. They also experience larger class sizes and child-to-teacher ratios that impose new demands on children in terms of self-regulation and socialization. Not to mention, students have fewer opportunities for one-to-one teacher– child interaction. Another study was conducted and aimed at determining the relationship between teachers’ evaluation scores and the students’ academic performance in Ham University of Medical Sciences. This study basically reports that some experts’ opinions suggests that evaluation of the teachers’ performance by the students is the only tangible way and the best kind of evaluation ecause the students are the only people who are directly taught by the professors; hence, they are in the best position to evaluate their teachers’ educational activities. This investigation has two primary goals which are to determine whether; between- and within- child differences in academic achievement and behavior problems are associated with teacher–child relationship quality throughout elementary school and the second goal is to consider whether the importance of teacherâ€⠀œchild relationship quality changes as children move through elementary school. The data used for this study came from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development, a large, multi-method longitudinal study of non-parental care experiences and child development. The participants for this study were selected using a conditional sampling plan to ensure that the sample reflected the economic, educational, and ethnic composition of the 10 cities from which participants were recruited. In terms of the measures taken to access the academic achievement field interviewers and teacher reporters used a direct assessment. Reading and math achievement was assessed with the Woodcock– Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery administered in first, third, and fifth grades by field interviewers. Conclusion The results of this study help academic and behavioral development and us to advance our understanding of the longitudinal connections between teachers–student relationships during elementary school. Using a large and diverse database, this is the first study to examine both between- and within-child associations between teacher–student relationship quality and child’s functioning, and how these associations change across the elementary school years. By analyzing data from mothers, teachers, and standardized assessments, this study allows for comparisons across informants. Results from this study indicate that the quality of relationships that teachers report having with children is associated with trajectories of achievement and behavior problems from kindergarten through fifth grade. The observed associations were consistent across informants in the case of child behavior problems, whereas associations with academic achievement emerged only when both relationship qualities and achievements were reported by the teacher. Finally, the importance of the quality of relationships with teachers for children’s development seems to be un-changing, as children get older. One strength of this study is that it tested within- child connections between relationship quality and children’s development. Bibliography Bahadori, M. , Sadeghifar, J. , Peyman, H. , Shams, L. , Sayemiri, K. , ; Nejati, M. (2012). The relationship between teachers’ evaluation scores and the students’ academic performance: a case study in Iran. TTEM- Technics Technologies Education Management, 7(4), 1635-1640. Dictionary. com. n. d. ). Retrieved from www. dictionary. com Maldonado-Carreno, C. , ; Votruba-Drzal, E. (2011). Teacher-Child Relationships and the Development of Academic and Behavioral Skills During Elementary School: A Within- and Between-Child Analysis. Child Development, 82(2), 601-616. doi:10. 1111/j. 1467-8624. 2010. 01533. x Theasurus. com (n. d) Retrieved from www. theasaurus. com Zuosheng Sun1, b. (2012). An Empirical Study on New Teacher-student Relationship and Questioning Strategies in ESL Classroom. English Language Teaching, 5(7), 175-183. doi:10. 5539/elt. v5n7p175 How to cite Teacher-Student Relationships, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Conceptual Framework for Mediatization †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Conceptual Framework for Mediatization. Answer: Introduction: It can be seen that there are some building blocks in the accounting conceptual framework. There are total 19 blocks in the conceptual framework. Block 1 contains the definition of financial reporting of various entities like statement of income, statement of balance sheet, statement of cash flows and others. Block 2 provides the definition of various reporting entities like business entities and others. Block 3 refers to the broad objectives of the general purpose financial reporting (Assessment, 2013). Block 4 refers to the process to identify the qualitative characteristics of the financial information. Block 5 and 6 deal with various elements of financial statements like assets, liabilities, equities and others. Block 7 deals the different kinds of basis for the purpose of measurement. Block 8 provides the accounting techniques for the measurement of different accounting aspects. Block 9 helps to describe the financial position of the companies like wealth, financial structure, c apacity of adoption and many others. Block 10 helps to assess the financial performance of the companies like change in wealth, variability and others. Block 11 helps to assess the change in the financial position of the companies like change in financial activities, investing activities and others (, 2017). Block 12 helps the organizations to meet the requirements of block 9, 10 and 11. Block 13 helps the organizations in the applications of accounting concepts. Block 14 helps in the elevation of various accounting principles against details. Block 15 provides the research methodology for accounting. Block 16 describes the requirements for audit. Block 17 helps in the re-transition of accounting policies. Block 18 provides the monitoring compliances of accounting. Block 19 helps in the prosecution of non-compliances (, 2017). There are some major advantages of the accounting processes from the development of accounting framework. Among all these advantages, two of the major advantages are discussed below: The main advantage of accounting system from the development of conceptual framework is that it helps to clarify the major accounting concepts underpinnings of accounting standards. With the help of these accounting processes, the accountants are able to understand and make others understand different complex of accounting. In addition, with the assistance of these accounting systems, the accounting standard setters can set different accounting standards (Weil, Schipper Francis, 2013). Another major advantage of this accounting system is that it provides great assistance to the auditors, preparers and users in the understanding the accounting standers of different kinds of accounting statements (Pitelis, 2012). In the recent years, it has been seen that the conceptual framework has received major criticism some parties. As per some of the criticism, conceptual framework has failed to provide adequate accounting basis for the standards setters. In addition, conceptual framework has received criticism as it is not requiring the firms for the reporting of information for the interpretation of financial statements and to assist the users of financial statements. Thus, it can be seen that these are the major criticisms of conceptual framework (Landerer, 2013). It can be said that all these arguments are not justified. As per the first criticism, conceptual framework has failed to provide adequate accounting basis for the standards setters. In this regard, it needs to be mentioned that there is not any concrete evidence to support this allegation. As per the second criticism, conceptual framework not requires the firs to report different accounting information for the users. In this case, it also needs to be mentioned that the critics are unaware of the fact that there is not any empirical data and information as evidence to support the criticism. Thus, there is not any reason of agreeing in these criticisms (Smith, 2017). References Assessment, W. S. B. P. (2013). Conceptual Framework. Landerer, N. (2013). Rethinking the logics: A conceptual framework for the mediatization of politics.Communication Theory,23(3), 239-258. Pitelis, C. (2012). Clusters, entrepreneurial ecosystem co-creation, and appropriability: a conceptual framework.Industrial and Corporate Change,21(6), 1359-1388. Smith, M. (2017).Research methods in accounting. Sage. The Nature and Purpose of Statements of Accounting Concepts. (2017) Retrieved 30 August 2017, from Weil, R. L., Schipper, K., Francis, J. (2013).Financial accounting: an introduction to concepts, methods and uses. Cengage Learning.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Beginning Perl Tutorial on Foreach Loop

Beginning Perl Tutorial on Foreach Loop The foreach loop is a control structure thats tailor-made to process Perl lists and hashes. Just like the for loop, foreach steps through each element of an array using an iterator. How to Step Through an Array in Perl With Foreach Rather than using a scaler as an iterator,  foreach uses the array itself. For example: You see that this gives the same output as printing the array myNames in its entirety: If all you want is to dump out the contents of the list, you could just print  it. In that case, use the foreach loop to make the output a bit more readable. Youll see that this code creates cleaner output by printing a new line after each item in the list. A Cleaner Foreach Loop The previous example used $_ to print each element of the list. Using this default implied scalar ($_) makes for shorter code and less typing, but it isnt always the best solution. If youre aiming for a highly readable code or if your  foreach  loop is complex, you might be better off assigning a  scalar  as your iterator. There are only two differences: the scalar $name between the  foreach  and the list and the replacement of the default scalar with it inside the loop. The output is exactly the same, but the code is slightly cleaner. Keep in mind: A  foreach  loop is a Perl control structure.It is used to step through each  element of an array.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cross culture Management problems in an Organization

Cross culture Management problems in an Organization 17Cross culture Management problems in an OrganizationIntroductionThere are times when a company hears the reasons for a project failure or an International deal termination in between that are due to lack of understanding problem, disgruntled employees, team work and similar to those. Just think for a second if a Nurse does not communicate to the doctor that he is not operating on right leg, or if there is a communication gap between pilot and copilot regarding the landing issues. We hardly consider International communication problem in Business is of such a big issue. But it is a critical component.There is an assumption that important information should be communicated to people who need to know. It is in your hand what to say but it is not in your control that what the other person understands. It happens in diverse organization where different managers belongs to different cultures are sending conflicting messages to a subordinate describing about priorities.With respect to abo ve all issues which lead to communication barrier and consequently have an impact on the attainment of goal, it is important to identify this problem at the initial stage so not to put on stake the success.There is one more barrier to the effective communication is the style of communication which fails to express the relevant thought adequately. It is important for sender to anticipate possible causes of misperception which results into poor communication. Senders also lack in understanding the perspective on the way people would receive the message, especially when there is a complexity leading to difficulties. As mentioned above all these lead to distrust, confusion and low morale among employees. A very common problem in communication is seen in multinational companies here employees belong to different cultural background and have difficulty in...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

No2 Oncology Literature Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

No2 Oncology Literature Review - Essay Example (Trock et al., 2008; Wong et al. 2006; Potosky et al., 2000) In order to give the readers a better understanding of the subject matter, the student nurse will first provide the definition of medical terminology used in this study. In relation to the use of radiotherapy as a form of prostate cancer treatment, the impact of using androgen-deprivation therapy combined with radiotherapy as well as the impact of radiation dosage given to patients with prostate cancer will be examined. Eventually, the student nurse will compare and contrast the results of the research findings presented in each of the selected academic journals. Upon discussing the scope and limitation of the study, the student nurse will discuss the proper application of nursing practice in the case wherein the patient is suffering or is recovering from a prostate cancer treatment. Biochemical Relapse-free Survival (bRFS) or Biochemical Recurrence – a cancer relapse after a prostate cancer patient has undergone treatment via surgery or radiation. (National Cancer Institute, 2008) Upon conducting a research study on adding 2 years of androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) such as goserelin and flutamide on patients before and during the provision of radiation therapy on patients with prostate cancer, the team of Horwitz et al. (2008) concludes that the provision of less than 150 ng/mL long-term ADT to patients with advanced-stage prostate cancer combined with radiation therapy between 65 to 70 Gy is more effective as compared to the provision of short-term ADT. Similar to the research findings of Horwitz et al. (2008), the team of Hanks et al. (2003) reported the same research findings with the use of less than 150 ng/mL long-term adjuvant androgen deprivation therapy like goserelin and flutamide when combined with radiation dose of 65 to 70 Gy in patients with advanced prostate

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Portofolio for proffesional development in education Essay

Portofolio for proffesional development in education - Essay Example Accordingly, I have carried out the following assessment of the teaching methodology I used. As per my tutor, there needs to be a greater knowledge base which would have the strong support of evidence throughout the assessment. I have done so by making use of theories that have been supported by various scholars so as to support each of the arguments I have put forth in the process of discussing and assessing the learning approach I have use. These include theory and practice relationship within teaching methodology as well as the learning outcomes of the learning approach used by me. These have been summed up as the evaluation in the conclusion. These elements of assessment have been used an integral part of the assignment rather than separate features, as pointed out by my tutor. To begin with, there has been a substantial amount of learning that I have managed to garner from the classes. Yet, the classes showed me that there is a lot to be desired in terms of definition of areas that signify real worthwhile learning. There also seems to be a confusion of thoughts with a plethora of concepts like globalization flying around. This has shown that there has been a steady merging of lines throughout the world with the convergence of theory and practice. ... With an increase in the phenomenon known as globalization and the wide use of technology as a complementary feature, human society has changed and the needs have increased manifold. This has been used in the teachings regarding acute pain during this class. In the case of healthcare teaching, changes in the political, economical and cultural arena have challenged and effected alterations within various professions. The autonomy of professions has been under challenge because the market has tried to decrease it so to reduce their power and status. Finally, all these changes have affected and put under challenge professional education. This is further evident in the following lines as mentioned by Robert B. Reich, when he says, "In this mercantilist game, one sovereign's advance (was) necessarily at the expense of another, because the whole point of the exercise (was) to gain more power than a potential opponent." (Reich, 1991, p.14). As assessed above, there has been a convergence of theory and practice, yet there are many gaps owing to the basic fact that there is yet to be a clear cut definition of how globalization affects the meeting of theory and practice. (Reich, 1991, p.14). This will create the real platform upon which worthwhile learning may be measured. Worthwhile learning is also getting increasingly difficult to measure and there needs to be better models that can support phenomenon like knowledge management so as to support complementary phenomena like globalization. Many scholars believe that theory and practice are characterized by a clear difference because each one offers a different, not opposite, knowledge field. According to Durkheim, theory refers to the knowledge that we

Monday, November 18, 2019

Global Managerial Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Global Managerial Economics - Essay Example There are guidelines that need to be discussed with respect to setting up operations inside Mexico or any member of the NAFTA conglomerate. First, the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprise drafted on June 27, 2000 and within the Annex outline the guidelines of multinational enterprises address the general policies in that they should: 3. Encourage local capacity building through close co-operation with the local community, including business interests, as well as developing the enterprise’s activities in domestic and foreign markets, consistent with the need for sound commercial practice 5. Refrain from seeking or accepting exemptions not contemplated in the statutory or regulatory framework related to environmental, health, safety, labour, taxation, financial incentives, or other issues 9. Refrain from discriminatory or disciplinary action against employees who make bona fide reports to management or, as appropriate, to the competent public authorities, on practices that contravene the law, the Guidelines or the enterprises policies Within other large automotive companies, using the example of General Motors, the importance of operating succinctly with foreign countries in an effort to work within the confines of NAFTA and OECD including the applicable corporate social responsibilities. For instance, General Motors’ Mexico Corporate Social Responsibility information includes: GM Mexico operations now recycle 94.5% of their hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. As a result of this recycling rate, all Mexico facilities eliminated the disposal of hazardous wastes in landfill beginning in August 2003. Hazardous waste is now recycled or used as alternative fuel. Since 2000, land filled waste has been reduced from 7,369 metric tons to 444 metric tons during 2003. The financial savings from this are calculated to be $990,173. Additionally Non-Hazardous Waste landfill has been

Friday, November 15, 2019

French Essays Affaire Dreyfus

French Essays Affaire Dreyfus Discuter là ©volutiondes intellectuels francais depuis laffaire Dreyfus Pendantplus quun sià ¨cle, la prà ©sence des intellectuels en France est sans doute trà ¨simportante. Ils ont un rà ´le influent dans la socià ©tà © franaise et les nomscomme Zola, Sartre, Là ©vy et Debray sont connus partout dans le monde. Biensà »r, les intellectuels ne se trouvent pas seulement en France, mais il estprobablement l, avec ses grandes à ©coles et la culture de discussionintellectuelle dans les cafà ©s, oà ¹ on trouvera ceux qui ont le plus de respectet le plus dinfluence. La position de lintellectuel franais au sein de lasocià ©tà © franaise est significative. La France est fià ¨re de ceux qui donnentune voix au peuple dans un pays avec une histoire parfois anarchiste. Laprà ©sence des intellectuels tout moment important pendant le dernier sià ¨cle,ainsi que leurs contributions aux discussions politiques et sociales montrecombien lopinion des intellectuels est importante. Cependant,on verra que la position de lintellegensia a beaucoup changà © au cours dusià ¨cle. À laube dun nouveau millenium, il est aujourdhui que lesintellectuels franais se trouvent dans une situation inconnue. Est-ce quilssont destinà ©s de devenir perdu dans un monde dominà © par les nouvellestechnologies, oà ¹ est-ce que leurs dà ©clarations portent la mà ªme signification aujourdhuiquil y a cent ans? Laffaire Dreyfus et la naissance de lintellectuel Onpeut datà © exactement le moment oà ¹ le terme intellectuel est entrà © danslhistoire. Le13 janvier 1898, Georges Clemanceau, rà ©dacteur du journal radical LAurorepublie une lettre adressà ©e au Prà ©sident du Troisià ¨me Republique. La lettresappelle Jaccuse, et il sagit dun capitaine juif danslarmà ©e franaise, Alfred Dreyfus. En 1895, celui-ci est condamnà © peine devie pour la trahison et lespionnage. En fait, Dreyfus nà ©tait pas coupable,mais vu que lantisà ©mitisme fut trà ¨s populaire cette à ©poque-l, Dreyfus estsoumis une injustice extrà ªme. Là ©glise, là ©tat, et les mà ©dias lecondamnent, mais en effet, il à ©tait une victime des sentiments anti-sà ©mitiques. Aprà ¨ssa dà ©portation là ®le du Diable en 1895, la famille de Dreyfus essaie de lelibà ©rà ©, mais sans succà ¨s. Finalement, son pà ¨re à ©crit au à ©crivain, Emile Zola.Celui-ci devient donc le dà ©fenseur de Dreyfus, cest une personne cà ©là ¨bre etrespectà ©e avec une voix forte dans un climat anti-sà ©mitique. Zola accuse uneautre personne, Walsin Esterhazy, et il accuse le militaire et là ©tat duneconspiration contre Dreyfus. Pendant les semaines suivantes, la campagne deZola attire les autres personnages respectà ©s qui incluent les intellectuels etles à ©crivains comme Marcel Proust et Andrà © Gide. à ©videment, sur lautrecà ´te, il existe aussi les adversaires de Zola, ceux qui croyaient que là ©tatet là ©glise à ©taient suprà ªmes, et que de les remettre en cause à ©taient latrahison elle-mà ªme. En 1899 Zola est condamnà © aussi, et il sest mis en exileen Angleterre. Laffaireest donc divisà © en deux divisions opposantes, les Dreyfusards, Zola, Proust,Anatole France et Eduard Drumont (rà ©dacteur du journal la LibreParole) qui soutiennent Alfred Dreyfus, et qui luttent sans cessepour sa libà ©ration. Les antidreyfusards prennent la position adversaire, etils incluent Alphonse et Là ©on Daudet, Barrà ©s, Copà ©e, et Bourget. Aprà ¨s six ansde lutte, Alfred Dreyfus est libà ©rà ©, la victoire pour les Dreyfusards nestpas seulement une victoire pour Dreyfus, mais aussi pour tous les gens quiavaient à ©tà © maltraità ©s par là ©tat, mais qui auparavant navait aucun moyen dese dà ©fendre. Ilest à ©vident que les actions des Dreyfusards et la lutte menà ©e, et gagnà ©e contrelà ©tat ouvrent la porte aux intellectuels franais. Cependant, on verra quece chapitre nest quun dà ©but, et que le rà ´le des intellectuels à ©volue au coursdu sià ¨cle. La dà ©finition dun intellectuel Aprà ¨slaffaire Dreyfus, peut-à ªtre croit-on quil est facile de comprendre le rà ´ledes intellectuels dans la socià ©tà © franaise. On peut les dà ©crire comme lesdà ©fendeurs des droits de lhomme, les champions de la và ©rità ©, mais cesdescriptions sont probablement trop simplistes. Un intellectuel nest passeulement quelquun avec une bonne à ©ducation, sinon on pourrait dire que tousles à ©crivains, les journalistes, les universitaires sont les intellectuels,ceci nest pas le cas. Dà ªtre un intellectuel du mà ªme genre de Zola, il fautquelque chose de plus. Il faut quun intellectuel utilise son nom et sonprestige pour sengager dans une actività © au dehors de son domainedexpertise. Lintellectuelsera un homme du culturel; crà ©ature ou mà ©diateur, mis en situationdhomme du politique, producteur ou consommateur didà ©ologie. Ni un simplecatà ©gorie socioprofessionnelle, ni un simple personnage irrà ©ductible. Ilsagira dun statut, comme dans la dà ©finition sociologique, mains transcendà ©par une volontà © individuelle, comme dans la dà ©finition à ©thique, et tournà © versun usage collectif   Grà ¢ce leur intelligence et leur à ©ducation supà ©rieure, les intellectuels commandentdu respect et leurs opinions sont estimà ©es, souvent plus que celles des hommesde politique. Bien quil soit probablement naÃÆ' ¯f, il est vrai de dire que lesgens sont mà ©fiants de ceux-ci, pendant que les intellectuels sont considà ©rà ©scomme impartiaux. Au cours du sià ¨cle Ilparait que laffaire Dreyfus marque la vraie naissance du mouvementintellectuel en France, mà ªme si Zola nest pas vraiment le premierintellectuel individuel. Victor Hugo est son inspiration et là ©crivain Jacquesle Goff a à ©crit un livre au sujet des intellectuels en France mà ©dià ©velle.Toutefois, laffaire Dreyfus remonte le profil de lintellectuel, et il estun profil qui est paru de plus en plus pendant le vingtià ¨me sià ¨cle. Dansles annà ©es suivantes, les intellectuels franais interviennent souvent dansles discussions. Pendant la premià ¨re guerre mondiale, les intellectuelspacifistes comme Henri Barbusse et Romain Rolland essayent douvrir les yeuxdes franais aux atroces commis pendant la guerre. Barbusse, dans son livre  Le feu, journal dune escouade   raconte sesexpà ©riences du feu des tranchà ©es, et il y exprime ses aspirations pacifistes. Enplein conflit mondial, il apparaà ®t un mouvement surrà ©aliste. Autour du poà ¨teromain, Tristan Tzara, le cosmopolitisme du groupe est dà ©j une provocation.La date de naissance officielle du mouvement surrà ©aliste est en 1924 et pendantles annà ©es vingt ce groupe de jeunes artistes essaie de   bouleverser lavie   et   libà ©rer lesprit  . Ils soutiennent la lutte contreloccupation des colonies. Le surrà ©aliste Louis Aragon annonce son oppositionet quitte le mouvement, disant que lart devrait reprà ©senter la socià ©tà © commeelle à ©tait, il voulait dire que le mouvement surrà ©aliste devrait à ªtre partisanet dà ©fendeur du parti communiste (PCF). Le communisme et le fascisme Pendantles annà ©es trente, face la menace du fascisme, un groupe dintellectuelsfranais sunissent. Ils participent dans les comità ©s et les confà ©rences etsignent les pà ©titions contre le fascisme. Pendant loccupation nazie de laFrance, ce groupe dintellectuels travaillent en secret sur le nom du  Comità © national des à ©crivains   pour rà ©sister au   NouvelOrdre  , soutenu par les intellectuels opposà ©s, comme Pierre Drieu LaRochelle et Louis-Ferdinand Cà ©line. Lexpà ©riencede la Rà ©sistance pendant la guerre souligne exactement le rà ´le desintellectuels, mais la distinction entre les opinions universelles et lapolitique commence devenir confusà ©e. Le philosophe Julien Benda se plaignede la trahison des intellectuels qui donnent leur soutien en faveur desidà ©ologies politiques au lieu des idà ©ologies universelles. À cette à ©poque-l,lun des intellectuels le plus cà ©là ¨bres fait sa marque sur lhistoirefranaise. Jean-Paul Sartre souligne le rà ´le et la responsabilità © delintellectuel franais. Dans son ouvrage,   Quest-ce que lalittà ©rature  ? (1948)  , Sartre encourage lintellectuel franaisdagir selon la situation dans laquelle il se trouve. Sartre lui-mà ªme montreson engagement en à ©crivant des pà ©titions et des lettres sur plusieurs problà ¨mes,en particulier en ce qui concerne la guerre en Algà ©rie oà ¹ il mà ¨ne une campagnecontre la guerre elle-mà ªme, et, en particulier la torture. Mà ªmesi lon pense de lintellectuel comme dà ©fendeur des idà ©ologies universelles,les intellectuels sont toujours sur une grande pression dappartenir un partipolitique. Il est cette pression qui endommage la rà ©putation du mouvementintellectuel pendant les annà ©es suivantes. Sartre nappartient pas un partipolitique, il cherche trouver un compromis entre le capitalisme occidental etle politique de Stalin. Mà ªme sil ny appartient pas officiellement, Sartresoutient le PCF. Dautres intellectuels ne sont pas aussi timides avec leursaffiliations politiques, Aragon, à ©luard et Guillevic soutiennent ouvertement lePCF et Stalin. Les intellectuels communistes se collaborent avec lennemipendant loccupation nazie, et cette collaboration sape de plus la rà ©putationimpartiele des intellectuels. Raymon Aron est un intellectuel qui na pas la fascinationavec le marxisme en commun avec ses pairs, mais il est une figure solitairedans un pays oà ¹ le communisme est populaire. Il nest pas daccord avec unegrande majorità © des intellectuels et sa dissertation,   LOpium desintellectuels   (1955) oppose aux idà ©ologies communistes. Il estaprà ¨s linvasion de la Hongrie par la Russie que Sartre et les autresintellectuels retirent leur soutien du PCF, mais ils se tournent vers lesnouveaux rà ©gimes en Chine et au Cuba. Che Guevara est devenu une figureimportante pour les intellectuels. Les annà ©es 60-70 Lesà ©và ©nements de mai 1968 sont vus comme un succà ¨s pour les intellectuels. Il esteux, et non pas les ouvriers, qui provoquent les troubles. Mais on doit aussinoter que bien que cette à ©poque soit considà ©rà ©e comme un succà ¨s, lesà ©và ©nements soulignent aussi une division profonde entre les ouvriers et lesintellectuels. Pendantles annà ©es 70, les intellectuels interviennent dans plusieurs domaines, enparticulier les problà ¨mes concernant les paysans, les prisonniers, et lesouvriers immigrà ©s. Comme dans les annà ©es prà ©cà ©dentes, les intellectuelsessaient de donner une voix aux groupes pià ©tinà ©s mais il semble que plusieursde ces interventions naient pas beaucoup de succà ¨s. Il y a quelquesexceptions quand mà ªme, en 1971, le journal le Nouvel observateur publieun manifeste important. Simone de Beauvoir est parmi 343 femmes qui dà ©clarentde se faire avorter  ; ce manifeste mà ¨ne un changement là ©gislatif, lesfemmes obtiennent le droit de choisir. Letravail de Simone de Beauvoir, et dautres intellectuels ce moment-l marqueun changement subtil, mais important dans le rà ´le de lintellectuel franais.Auparavant, lintellectuel a luttà © pour la justice quelque soit le domaineaffectà ©, mais de plus en plus,le   nouveau intellectuel   ne seprononce sur les discussions dans son domaine de spà ©cialisme. Il parait que cegenre dintellectuel ne veut pas entrer dans les discussions au dehors de sondomaine de compà ©tence. Ladà ©sillusion des annà ©es 70 est soulignà ©e aussi par la publication de   TheGoulag Archipelago   par Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Cette publicationternisse limage de la Russie sous le rà ©gime de Stalin, et avec les preuves dugà ©nocide au Cambodge, les intellectuels deviennent anti-marxiste. Lesidà ©ologies des partisans communistes, et donc les intellectuels qui leur ontsoutenu sont mis en question pour la premià ¨re fois. Les jeunes intellectuelscomme Bernard-Henri Là ©vy et Andrà © Glucksmann, qui ont à ©tà © partisans du PCF,lient le communisme avec le fascisme, et retirent leur soutien. En juin 1979,Sartre demande au Prà ©sident daider le peuple vietnamien, ce qui montre queSartre est devenu aussi anti-communiste. PierreBourdieu est un autre adversaire du travail des intellectuels. Il dà ©critlintellectuel dans ses ouvrages,   La distinction, Homo academicus etLes Rà ¨gles de lart  , plutà ´t comme un genre dhomme de politique,au lieu dun hà ©ro du peuple. La position de lintellectuel aujourdhui Vuque la critique contre les intellectuels ne cesse pas augmenter, on sedemande alors si lintellectuel franais est une espà ¨ce en voie dedisparition. Peut-etre faut-il rà ©definir la description de lintellectuel.Winnock à ©crit  :   Les intellectuels ont aussi un rà ´le organique exercer, etreles ouvriers de cette dà ©mocratie impossible, rà ©gime de libertà © limità ©e,dà ©galità © approximative et de fraternità © intermittente (..)Plus large, plus profond, plus durable que les cris despamphlà ©taires et les manifestes des pà ©titionnaires, cest le travail quotidiendes intellectuels anonymes comme à ©ducateurs notamment qui me parait devoirà ªtre reconnu comme le và ©ritable contre-pouvoir, la fois critique etorganique, au sein de la socià ©tà © dà ©mocratique  . Dansson ouvrage, Le Dictionnaire des Intellectuels Winnock parle plutà ´t desà ©và ©nements au lieu des intellectuels individuels, il parait alors quelintellectuel lui-mà ªme, nexiste plus. Les mortes des personnagesimportantes pendant les annà ©es 90, comme Marguerite Duras, Franois Furet etGilles Deleuze soutiennent cette idà ©e, mais il est peut-à ªtre un peu simpliste.En à ©crivant un tel ouvrage, Winnock illustre le fait que les franais restenttoujours fascinà ©s par les intellectuels impressifs. En fait, pendant lesannà ©es 80, plus de 30 livres sont publià ©s au sujet des intellectuels, etdepuis 1990, plus de 80 livres en plus ont à ©tà © à ©crits. Il semble que lesfranais ne sont pas encore prà ªts oublier les intellectuels respectà ©s. Malgrà ©les observations de Winnock et le silence des intellectuels pendant les annà ©es 80,il est à ©vident quaux annà ©es 90, les intellectuels recommencent trouver leur voix.Les discussions politiques concernant les guerres en Bosnie, en Croatie, eten Iraq provoquent les interventions intellectuelles. En 1995, Juppà © proposeun plan de rà ©forme qui provoque les grà ¨ves et les manifestations. Lesintellectuels jouent un rà ´le important en critiquant ces rà ©formes, ils sontdivisà ©s en deux partis, ceux qui soutiennent les rà ©formes, et ceux quià ©crivent des pà ©titions contre celles-ci. Cette   guerre depà ©titions   souligne aussi la diffà ©rence entre les intellectuels universels,et ceux qui ont plus de spà ©cialisme dans le domaine de laide sociale. Pendantces discussions, lintellectuel franais parait comme un citoyen parmi tout lemonde au lieu dun guide suprà ªme. Ily a une autre intervention quil faut mentionner. En 1999, Debray va Kosovopendant le conflit. À son retour, Le Monde publie une   lettredun voyageur au Prà ©sident de la Rà ©publique  , dans laquelle Debrayattaque lOTAN. Les parallà ¨les entre cette lettre et le soutien donnà © au PCFet les idà ©ologies fascistes dans les annà ©es passà ©es sont à ©videntes. Ceci nedonne pas une bonne impression des intellectuels laube dun nouveaumillenium. Les mà ©dias Lesnouveaux mà ©dias jouent un rà ´le important dans là ©volution des intellectuels.On peut les voir comme une avance bienvenue pour intellectuel, ils leurdonnent loccasion de communiquer ses idà ©es plus efficacement, mais lesnouveaux mà ©dias sont aussi considà ©rà ©s comme une menace. Rà ©gis Debray est unintellectuel qui les critique. Selon lui  : Là ¨rede lintelligentsia sera celle de la plus grande inintelligence. En effet, ily a un rapport inverse entre la valeur informative dun message et sacommunicabilità ©Ã‚   Ilsemble que lavance des nouveaux mà ©dias mine limportance et le prestige desintellectuels. Ceci parait contradictoire lidà ©e originale delintellectuel. Les mà ©dias donnent aux intellectuels loccasion datteindre unplus grand public. En effet, il est grà ¢ce la presse à ©crite que lesDreyfusards ont eu du succà ¨s il y a cent ans mais cependant, maintenant on estplus mà ©fiant de la presse et les mà ©dias. Il est à ©vident quaujourdhui laplupart des à ©là ¨ves vont luniversità ©, le niveau dà ©ducation est plus haut etcomme rà ©sultat, les gens questionnent les opinions des intellectuels au lieu deles acceptà ©es sans questions. Conclusion Onne peut pas discuter que le rà ´le de lintellectuel franais a à ©voluà © beaucoupau cours du sià ¨cle. Laffaire Dreyfus et les à ©và ©nements de mai 1968 peuvent à ªtrevu comme les points culminants pendant le sià ¨cle, mais il est aussiincontestable que les intellectuels franais ont jouà © un rà ´le important dans laplupart des discussions controversà ©es. Bien quils soient toujours lià ©s auxpartis politiques, lintellectuel est vu comme quelquun qui peut, avec sonnom et son prestige, lutter pour la justice surtout oà ¹ il faut une voiximpartial et forte. Larà ©putation de lintellectuel à ©tait bouleversà ©e pendant les annà ©es 50, lesoutien du PCF à ©tait un erreur grave, mais le fait quils ont retirà © leursoutien montre que les idà ©ologies changent et les intellectuels ont le droit dechanger leur avis. Aujourdhui on voit que les intellectuels ne sont pasaussi vite daffirmer leurs affiliations politiques, pendant les à ©lections en2002 les intellectuels à ©taient notamment silencieux. Onvoit aussi que la description dun intellectuel a changà © aussi. Il y a probablementdeux types, ceux que lon appelle   universelle  , et ceux quiprà ©fà ¨re travailler dans un domaine plus spà ©cifique. Le fait que son rà ´lecontinue de change ne veut pas dire que la fin est arrivà ©e pour lesintellectuels, tout ce quil veut dire est que les intellectuels doiventà ©voluer aussi pour rester en contact avec le peuple. Lesmà ©dias jouent aussi un rà ´le important et avec lavance des nouvellestechnologies, comme linternet par exemple, il faut attendre encore quelquesannà ©es avant de voir ce que limpact sera. Nà ©anmoins il est à ©vident que lapresse et les mà ©dias ont toujours un rà ´le important. Dansle futur, il est peut-à ªtre vrai que lon va parler de la  personnalità ©Ã‚   au lieu de   lintellectuel  , mais pourle moment, la fascination des franais et lestime quils ont pour lesintellectuels, assurent que les intellectuels ont toujours une place dans lasocià ©tà © franaise. Bibliographie Lesintellectuels en France de lAffaire Dreyfus nos jours, Pascal Ory etJean-Franois Sirelli, Paris, A. Colin, 1986 Lesià ¨cle des intellectuels, Michel Winock, Paris, Seuil, 1997. Lediable en tà ªte, Bernand-Henri Là ©vy, Paris, B.Grasset, 1984. ContemporaryFrench Cultures and Societies, Frà ©dà ©ric Royall, Peter Lang, 2004. Francetakes its intellectuals to heart, Louis Oppenheim, The Chronicle Review,edition 7 September 2001.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Ibuprofen :: essays research papers

Ibuprofen Abstract The project that I chose to research was the effect of Ibuprofen on the heart rate of the daphnia. The reason that I chose to do this was because many people in society use over the counter pain killers without really understanding any of the long term effects of this medicine other than clearing their aches pains, and swelling. One of the leading drugs on the market today is Ibuprofen which you may know as Motrin or Advil. Both drugs are identical except for quantity and price, and even there it might be the same. The organism I chose to work with is a crustacean called the Daphnia. Later in this report I will attempt to explain the significance of that organism and why I chose to conduct tests on it. I then, with the information at my disposal, conjured a hypothesis which I would test. Using the materials at hand I, to the best of my ability tested my hypothesis. In conducting the tests I created graphs and tables of my work. At the conclusion of my experiment I came up with an answer that was almost unpredictable with the information that I was using. Although this was a crude experiment, I believe that I did gain a lot from it. Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The drug that I chose, Ibuprofen, is an anti-inflammatory analgesic. It is propionic acid that is white and powdery, and soluble in water, and organic solvents such as ethanol and acetone. (1) Its structural formula is: (CH3)2CHCH2 CH(CH3)COOH   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Its role of action as a drug is not completely clear to the sciences, but that with time will change. One thing we do know is that people who have allergies to Aspirin should not take this medicine. (2)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As of now we know that it may play a role in prostaglandin synthesis inhibition. (1) Prostaglandin are hormonal like substances that form in animal tissue from polly unsaturated fatty-acids. (3) They do affect several body systems including the central nervous, gastrointestinal, urinary, and endocrine systems. It has been shown to have very minor effects on smooth muscle contraction and the clotting ability of blood which we are concerned with.(4) Excesses of these substances may cause pain, inflammation, and fever.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is also an analgesic which is used to reduce or eliminate pain without causing a loss of consciousness. (4) Another name for these substances which we all know of is a painkiller.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A water flea or Daphnia, is a member of the subclass Brachiopod, in the order Cladocera. They are found in the plankton of open water. (5) What I was